
Parenting And Raising Happy Kids Without Giving Them The World

I remember as a child growing up without any of the luxuries most children seem to be given today. More importantly, I was happier for it. If you take a look at all of the young celebrities, most of whom have the admiration of teenagers, it becomes more and more evident these kids had little or no constructive home life; but instead were given everything they’ve ever wanted. Is raising happy children without giving them the world even possible today? The answer is an unqualified yes.

I remember as a child growing up without any of the luxuries most children seem to be given today. More importantly, I was happier for it. If you take a look at all of the young celebrities, most of whom have the admiration of teenagers, it becomes more and more evident these kids had little or no constructive home life; but instead were given everything they’ve ever wanted. Is raising happy children without giving them the world even possible today? The answer is an unqualified yes.

Visit any school these days and you will find kids with expensive cell phones; the latest footwear and clothing; as well as the most popular electronics on the market today. What does this say about how we raise our children? What is being substituted in place of these expensive items?

Our children’s role models are relegated to celebrities whose lives are often filled with drugs, all night parties, arrests, and visits to rehabilitation centers. If you read about any of these people, the common denominator is their upbringing. They may claim they’re happy, but the evidence is to the contrary. Money and material possessions are not everything. As parents this is one of our main parenting challenges.

Raising happy children is of primary concern to most parents. Additionally, giving them the world is not even a consideration. Spoiling children using this kind of approach is detrimental to helping them achieve their goals. By giving a child everything they desire is to deprive them of experiencing the ups and down of life; and prevents them from working hard to find their niche in life.

There is an old saying, “if you don’t expect it, you’ll never be disappointed.” If all children receive whatever they ask for; then what lessons can be learned in being disappointed? They will never be satisfied with the simple pleasures in life; but will become insistent in attaining that which may become elusive.

It all begins with family; the values, morals, and unconditional love that abounds within the home. As long as these principles are preserved, raising happy children without giving them the world will remain in tact.


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