Education and School

Beginning School – The First Year

The first year of school is typically quite different from preschool. But whether parents are enrolling the child in a good public school or private school, there are many similar new factors parents will do well to prepare for. Here are a few things that may help the transition.

serious little girl on her first day of schoolFor children who have attended preschool, starting at a public or private school for the first time will involve less of a transition than for those who have not. This holds true regardless of if the child will be attending a private school or a more generalized public school. However, in either case, school is typically quite different from preschool. Added to that is the unfortunate fact that many public schools are often – whether through lack of funding, bureaucratic bungling, bad philosophy or factors outside their control – far less than ideal places to educate children. You can find a few examples of this listed at if you would like to look into this further.

The good news is that on the other side of the spectrum, there are actually many great public schools too, but we don’t often have the choice due to the fact of where we live. There is another option that parents need to consider. With the rise of distance learning, along with the covid-19 pandemic, most parents are turning to Online Elementary School. Educational institutions such as a dual language elementary school that have shifted to online schooling need to preserve the integrity of learning and the grades of the students. They can do this with the help of an online exam proctoring software whenever they administer tests or exams.

Some children (and parents, too) will naturally experience a certain amount of separation anxiety. If you are such a parent like I am, one effective way to deal with this is to avoid the false alternative of ‘Stiff upper lip’ versus ‘Yes, isn’t it horrible’. Children are neither soldiers nor made of Jello.

An honest recognition that new experiences can be difficult, without over-dramatizing, is healthy. Children should be helped to see that the new environment isn’t threatening, but without dismissing their valid concerns.

Meeting the teacher before the first day of school is extremely helpful. Introducing the child to a new adult, one whose goal is to help them develop, with the parent present helps everyone relax. Many schools will hold special events to do just that, but don’t expect to have a long period alone with the teacher. They often have many parent-child groups to meet.

Explaining to the child that attending to ib school dubai is a natural, indeed an exciting, part of growing up will help prepare them for the experience. Most children are naturally curious. Making school a continuation of the home process of developing the child’s mind and confidence by exploring the world will help school seem less strange.

Most schools will assign some form of very simple homework before long. Here again, parents can help avoid any anxiety that may occur in the face of this new challenge by making it not new. Giving the child age-appropriate tasks to complete before school begins helps build confidence, especially when the parent demonstrates eagerness to help overcome the humps; they can even enroll their children in a Phonics Reading Program Online.

Beware of giving too much aid or too much comfort, though. Allowing the child to experience difficulty, and seeing first hand that they are competent to meet the challenge, creates those early self-esteem building blocks. Shielding a child from any and all possible sources of discomfort is both unrealistic and harmful to the child.

Demonstrating excessive parental concern can inadvertently suggest to the child that there is something real to be feared in the new environment. That’s contrary to the message the parent wants to convey.

More fundamentally, every aspect of human development needs some kind of challenge to build strength. That’s true not only for muscles and bones, but for mind and emotions as well. When those challenges are within the reach of the child’s real potential – given his or her individual nature – confidence and intellectual capacity grow simultaneously.

But whether parents are enrolling the child in a good public school or private co educational school, there are many similar new factors parents will do well to prepare for. Here are some ideas that may help make the transition a little easier. 


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