As parents, we are really responsible for helping to develop self-confidence and self-esteem in our children. But what is self-esteem and how can we help nurture it in our children? Here are a few ideas...
First, we must respect our children to build self-esteem. Part of parenting is teaching by example. It is critical to show your child that he or she is important by showing them respect, and in turn, by showing them respect they will feel self-esteem. This is a situation where it is hand-in-glove.
What is also very important is how you speak and communicate to your child. It will affect how he or she feels about their self and their feeling of self-worth. Building self esteem is so very important in their development. Showing your child that you love them no matter what they do is also important. But make sure you show that you love them, not their behavior, especially if it is misbehavior.
Self-esteem and infants
When we are infants self esteem starts to develop by being around the adults we are in the care of. By preschool age and kindergarten, self-esteem has already a good start.
In order to develop self-esteem, there are some important things that a parent should do and they are:
Helping a child become self-reliant and helping a child to learn they have responsibilities in life, at home, and in the community. Learning that life has ups and downs, but that they still can have pride and self respect.
Children also need to know that they belong and they are capable knowing that they are valued by you and worthwhile. Furthermore realizing that what they contribute has value. While teaching limits, the child learns there are rules in life and guidelines. These enable feelings of security and of being loved.
Taking healthy risks in life helps to develop self-esteem and self-confidence. It also helps a child to handle success and failure as part of life.
Giving a child choices and decisions about situations, problems, and life in general helps tremendously in the development of self-esteem and just knowing that a mistake is not the end of the world.
The parent’s responsibility
We are in charge of our children’s development and good [tag-cat]parenting[/tag-cat] skills are important. Learning how to help your child develop self-esteem contributes to a healthy person with the ability to go out in the world and be a useful, contributing part of his or her family and community
[tag-tec]Parenting skills[/tag-tec] are a big responsibility, but also a joy and a privilege. By respecting your child and letting your child make choices you are helping your child to become all he or she can be. They become self-reliant and more able to handle life.
Challenges become stepping stones that help them become strong, healthy people. A child who learns early in life that there are many problems in life and many crisis but has been given the tools to handle the situations can go on and not feel their life has come to an end.
Hence as a parent you have helped them to have self-esteem. You have helped them to have self-confidence and a chance to have the best life possible. Of course there are many more parenting skills to learn these are but a few. Take time to learn so you can help your child be all that they can become.
Great advice. It’s important that we identify and understand our children’s needs. Lack of understanding often causes emotional problems to our children.
Very well said. Children lacking in self esteem when they are younger always find it hard to build it later as adults.