Kids Activities Education and School Holidays

Help Teach Your Child The Importance Of Earth Day

Hand holding globe with tree spouting from it
Earth Day will be celebrated this April 22nd. It is a very important day for everyone who inhabits this planet. Every day, we are becoming more aware of the affects of global warming. Teaching your kids the importance of Earth Day is the first step, as they will be our legacy and the caretakers of our planet in years to come. Here are some tips to help celebrate this day with your children.

Here is a great video: 3 Inspirational Movies for Kids on Earth Day:

Earth Day will be celebrated this April 22nd. It is a very important day for everyone who inhabits this planet. Every day, we are becoming more aware of the affects of global warming. As we strive to keep our eco-system in tact; and keep our rainforests from being destroyed; as a practical matter, there is more we can do on an individual basis. Teaching your kids the importance of Earth Day is the first step, as they will be our legacy and the caretakers of our planet in years to come.

It is important to explain to your kids what Earth Day represents, and what you do as a family; not just one day, but every day can keep the environment free from further damage.

  • Plant a tree in your yard.
  • Recycle as much as you can.
  • If age appropriate, have your kids walk or bike ride to school.Teach your kids to recycle this  Earth Day (April 22)
  • When not at home, keep lights off.
  • Make posters with your child and display them at school or at home.
  • Ensure you are preserving water by checking leaky faucets.
  • Conserve water by not leaving water on when brushing teeth.
  • Limit time in the shower.
  • Wash car less often.
  • Replace the filter in air conditioner or home HVAC system often.
  • When shopping at grocery stores, use recyclable bags.
  • Volunteer to help clean up your local park
  • Teach kids how to grow plants and herbs
  • Build a birdhouse in your backyard

By implementing these suggestions, you are teaching your kids energy conservation; recycling; increasing plant and tree growth; respect nature; save water; reduce toxins in the air; keep the environment clean; planting trees and flowers to increase oxygen; reduce air pollution; and love and respect all animals who inhabit the earth.

Imagine if everyone took the time to implement just one of these suggestions, we would truly be able to save what little we have left, and preserve this precious earth for our kids and generations to come. Teaching your kids the importance of Earth Day has become necessary to the future of our planet.



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