Halloween Holidays Kids Activities

Halloween Party Ideas for Kids: Creating A Memorable Halloween Party

Halloween ghost
Creating a memorable Halloween party for children can be rather difficult. Here are a few Halloween party ideas that may liven things up...

Creating a memorable Halloween bash for children can be rather difficult. It is challenging due to the fact that there are a lot of Halloween party ideas out there, but very few that are considered to be “unique”. You have your standard Halloween party, with bobbing for apples and spooky music or your  Horror Vinyl Collections as background music. Decorating your house with Jack ‘O Lanterns that you and your kids carved using a Pumpkin carving kit for kids is also a fun tradition. Then, you have your average “haunted house”, or “haunted hayride”, “Spook walk” and more. The issue is not a lack of ideas for Halloween; it is a lack of “unique” ideas for this festive holiday. Here, I will provide some “not so common” ideas on how you can go about creating a memorable Halloween bash for children.

A fun activity that you can do with the drone is to record clips during the event and compile into one amazing montage video. You can ask guests to say hi or hello on the drone, and you can also record a video of the entire area to get a better view of the party. Once you have edited the montage, you can share first to guests and then upload it on social media apps to show other people how fun the party was.

 It can sometimes be hard to tell what electronic gadget is going to be a hit next, especially when there is so much hype from every angle. But with all the speculation, it can be easy to get sidetracked and lose track of the big picture. Don’t lose track, check out Droneuncover for the latest news on drones.  It is wise to remember that you have to take your time and make a decision based on facts, not rumors or wild accusations. So what are the signs that an electronic gadget could be the next “it” thing? Let’s take a closer look at some of the biggest trends in technology…

Halloween Idol

Halloween Idol is a relatively “new” concept when it comes to creating a “memorable” bash this holiday. This concept is based on the ever-popular “American Idol” that many of us, and our children, enjoy watching each year. Basically, this works by establishing three judges who either dress like, or act like, the famous “Paula, Randy, and Simon”. You must also have a person who represents “Ryan”. The children will take a number, and then sit in the “Audience”. Each child will be permitted a “turn” to either display their costume, play a small skit in their costume, or display whatever other talent that they choose to display.


The “judges” should act much like the ones on the show as far as choosing the best, and doing eliminations. However, they should not be as “harsh” as the real judges generally are. Eventually, the participants should be broken down to five, and they should then be “voted off” until there is a winner. All the children should get small prizes for their participation, and then there should be a larger prize for the main winner. Several individuals have put the idea of “Halloween Idol” into place and have found it to be highly entertaining and successful overall. If you are looking to create a “memorable” Halloween bash, this is a great idea to put into place!

Ghost Hunters Live

“Ghost Hunters Live” is another unique Halloween bash that can be quite memorable for the children who attend. There should be one main “ghost hunter” (typically an adult”), and that adult should take a group of about three children and “ghost hunt”. The difference is, instead of seeking out “real” ghosts, it should be more like a scavenger hunt where various types of novelty Halloween toys can be placed. The group should be given a list of clues in which they have to figure out where to go, and what they are looking for. In the end, the group that found the most “ghosts” wins the challenge. This has been experimented with, and enjoyed by many. If you are looking for a way that you can go about creating a memorable Halloween bash.

The “Pet” Halloween Bash

If you want to create a memorable Halloween Bash, instead of focusing on the costumes that the children wear, have the children bring their pets – all dressed up! This is a very interesting twist to the standard Halloween party. It is extremely important that you work to focus on encouraging the children to bring friendly pets only! The pets should also be kept in a proper container, or on a leash. Each pet should be displayed in a way that the children can easily see them, and then they should be allowed to vote on the best of the best, try looking for a venue, check out the Birthday Party Venue Hire Brisbane

• Funniest Pet Costume
• Scariest Costume
• Beautiful Costume
• And, more!

There should be trophies, ribbons, and more that the children can receive for the items that their pet won while participating in the Halloween bash. This is a unique and collectively entertaining concept that is fun and unique all in one!

There are many ways that you can have a fun Halloween bash that is entertaining and unique all in one! This guide details three ways on creating a memorable Halloween bash this October!


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