Health Potty Training

Is A Child Bedwetting Sleep Disorder Curable?

Did you know that chiild bedwetting is hereditary? So, okay, you are not the only one who does not know is possibly embarrassed by this truth. However, thankfully the bed wetting sleep disorder is curable and very rarely crosses the age of 10 years of age.

Is you child potty trained but still wets the bed at night? Did you know that bedwetting is hereditary? So far we are lucky with our children since I had that problem as a child. So, okay, you are not the only one who does not know is possibly embarrassed by this truth. However, thankfully the bed wetting sleep disorder is curable and very rarely crosses the age of 10 years of age. In only about two percent of all the bed wetting sleep disorder cases, the patient continues this habit into adulthood. There is hope, so please don’t be discouraged.

Underlying Causes

Many causes may induce or trigger bed wetting sleep disorder in children. Some of the most common include stressful times – for example, a change of school, bullying at school, insecurity caused by fighting parents, fear of parents, feeling inferior, and so on – or physical problems like having a small urinary bladder or weak muscles. It is extremely rare that bed wetting sleep disorder is caused by any particular physical ineptness or disease. If you are concerned, please make sure you discuss this with your family physician or a health care professional.

There are two types of bedwetting; one is called primary bed wetting sleep disorder
where children keep wetting the bed every night without any response to medication and support from family and friends. The other is when the bed wetting sleep disorder occurs intermittently once every three to four months, sometimes after a gap of six months.

How Is Bed Wetting Sleep Disorder Treated?

If your child suffers from this malady – do not worry – there are many simple yet extremely efficient ways to help them. Here’s a quick summary of the most popular approaches:

First, children who suffer from bed wetting sleep disorder are extremely ashamed of themselves, and thus have an extremely shy nature and low self-esteem. The first thing that they need is the assurance that it is not their fault and that there is nothing to be ashamed of. You can share, perhaps, how your grandfather behaved with you when you were bedwetting – this can lead to a wonderful bonding moment.

Next, do not give your child any fluids less than two hours from going to bed. Before they go to bed, ask the child to urinate and then sleep. Make this a habit as routine as brushing teeth.

Until the child overcomes this affliction, make sure that you wake your offspring at least twice in the night, and take them to the toilet to empty their bladder. Learn bladder-stretching exercises and teach them to your child.

Finally, let your child help change the bedsheets, and do not behave like they have done something unforgivable. Tell your child that you understand they have a problem that many other children have, and that it is not their fault. Slowly and with patience, your child will move away from bedwetting and begin to enjoy life again.

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  • Excellent info – thanks for spreading the word. Parents hear so many crazy, made-up causes for bedwetting that we’re often left wondering whether we’ve done anything right as parents! Heredity is a very powerful force, and it’s uncanny how so many kids stop wetting at the same age their formerly enuretic relatives stopped. Kind of a family tradition!

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