Sleeping tips for tired kids. Lack of sleep can lead to bad behavior and what you can do to help create better nights for the both of you! Here are some ideas...
Parenting Tips and Advice
For many kids today, the real meaning behind Memorial Day is lost. Here are some ways to teach kids about the significant of Memorial Day and how important it...
Memorial Day was created as a day to remember fallen troops and to honor troops serving today. The last thing we want to teach our children is to take freedom...
Oklahoma City Tradgedy: Natural Disasters and Kids. Tips for parents and caregivers
What is your parenting style? Are you an encourager or an intimidator, or somewhere in between? This article explains the difference and how to be an effective...
From better grades and behaviors to higher graduation rates and better social skills, research clearly indicates that children who have involved parents do...
Children go through various stages and each presents its own set of challenges. Tweeners, though, are a stage that will cause many parents, teachers and adults...
Parenting your preteen child requires just as much work and dedication as ever. It may be hard to believe sometimes, but the majority of pre-teens and early...
Mother's Day should be the one of the most important holidays on earth. I cannot think of a more thankless and rewarding job as being a mother. This year, on...
Remember its the thought that counts. Unless your kids have been saving their allowance religiously, they may not be able to afford to buy an expensive gift...