“Help Us Reach our goal of reaching 1 Million Kids and Families this year”
We are a family owned and loved business dedicated to bettering the world through helping children and parents worldwide. Out of our love for our Children came the inception of More4kids.info. Since “kids don’t come with an instruction manual“, our goal is to become a leading provider of information and resources for parents and to celebrate those we call our Children. Our writers are parents just like we are.
More4kids International is working hard to build an online community that brings parents, families, and teachers together in order to share ideas and information, in order to improve our most precious gift of all, our children.
More4kids, www.more4kids.info is a mom and dad owned site dedicated to helping parents and children. Each month thousands of parents visit our site looking for information. We run More4kids out of our own pockets and out of our desire and love for children. Any help in keeping this site going is greatly appreciated and by helping you will know that you will be helping parents and children worldwide.